Sobriety Strategies: 13 Tips for Staying Sober

Do you need information on other recovery subjects? If you have a related topic you would like covered, please submit your ideas to To say, “Thank you” to Valley Hope is quite an understatement. You gave me my life back, you helped re-introduce me to a loving God whom I serve today. I am forever grateful for being dropped in the middle of Kansas wheat fields, where I was given the foundation which has led to a lifetime of ups, downs and too many blessings to even count. When it was announced that Carol was my counselor, there was a “ohhhhhh” sound all fell over the room.

If everyone is drinking or doing drugs and you’re sober, then you probably shouldn’t be there in the first place, especially if you’re newly in recovery. Some changes have been almost imperceptible, while others have felt like tectonic shifts. A gradual peace with not having to rely on alcohol as a crutch. Also, sobriety helped me to see that I needed help for my underlying mental illness, which drinking had both exacerbated and falsely soothed.

Sober Story: Andy

Soon we found couples who had the same interest. There were many times after getting together with another couple that I drove home in a blackout. Beth and I have the same sobriety date, May 7, 2013, although I had a few more years of drinking and using under my belt because I am older. I call my disease the disease of “more.” Alcohol was my first choice, but throughout my active addiction, I excessively used ecstasy, pain pills, marijuana, and cocaine.

I sat down in front of her and she said, “I can see from your test results that you’re manipulative and self-centered.” To which I replied, “Yes, of course, I am. You see, I’m from The South and we’re all that way but you couldn’t possibly understand because you’re not from there.” Thank God, she helped me to begin to see the error of that thought process. I was still unsure what I wanted to do with my marriage. I knew I needed to focus on recovery and not make any other major decisions. Again, I excelled in my training program, becoming the chief resident in my final year.

A Look into the Lives of Those Who Sought Drug Abuse Treatment

This memoir is poetic and a treat for lovers of beautiful writing. That bottle of merlot was all Kerry Cohen could think about as she got through her day. She did all she had to do but always with this reward on top of her mind. It took her until she was forty to realize this was neither normal nor healthy.

With tons of heart and wisdom, Khar eventually helps readers recognize the shame and stigma surrounding addiction and how there is no one path to recovery. At the end of the day, you’ll want to devour this book because it is ultimately a life-affirming Art Therapy for Drug & Alcohol Addiction Recovery story of resilience that is a must-read. Admittedly, there are a lot of lists there about the best recovery memoirs, which is why ours is a little different. We were inspired by the diverse experiences of our own community members.

How Common Is Relapse?

I sort of followed my discharge plan, but not completely. I’d like to say that I maintained sobriety after discharge but that wouldn’t be honest. At that time, I conceded that I was a drug addict, but I couldn’t accept that I was an alcoholic. I did a little more “research” as they say, which included failed attempts to control it and visits to psychiatrists and counselors without the use of the 12 Steps. May 4th, 2019, leaving a Racetrack, I was involved in an accident that was completely my fault.

  • This memoir is a frank, feminist look at life after recovery.
  • Things get even more interesting when you have to do all this while battling manic depression, addiction, and visiting all sorts of mental institutions as a result.
  • It’s just one more reason why it’s so important to partner with a professional treatment program rather than trying to go through detox all alone.
  • What have you learned about getting sober that you wish you would have known about before you began?
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