Legal Matters: From Burial at Sea to Real Estate Contracts

Yo, listen up, I got some legal knowledge to drop
From burial at sea to real estate shops
Wondering about prenuptial agreements and what it entails
Let me break it down, no need to set sail
Cosentino Legal Services, they got your back
Expert advice, no need to backtrack
QC in law, what does that mean?
It’s quality control, keeping things clean
Political factors affecting business, it’s no joke
Examples and impacts, it’s all in the yoke
Legal guardianship of disabled siblings, a responsibility to bear
Need expert help? Cosmo Legal Services is there
Real estate JV contracts, they’re crucial indeed
Make sure you understand the terms, take heed
Singapore Airlines, they got legal counsel on speed dial
And the dictionary of Canadian law, no need to revile
So there you have it, legal matters abound
From sea to sky, and all around town

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